Twin Peaks PTF

Twin Peaks K8 Parent, Teacher, Friends.

Our Mission:

The Twin Peaks K8 PTF is dedicated to promoting the social, emotional, and educational enrichment of children at home, in school, and within the community. We are joint partners, as parents/guardians and staff, in educational excellence. We as the Twin Peaks PTF are supportive of the school mission statement: We are pawsitively proud of our Tigers and Tiger Cubs for taking education by the tail!

What We Do


  1. Support excellence in the education of children at Twin Peaks K8
  2. Stimulate parent participation in the school community
  3. Enhance communication among parents, faculty, and administration
  4. Encourage teachers by providing parent support in the classroom
  5. Provide financial assistance for special projects as PTF funds allow
  6. Volunteer time and talents for events and fundraising activities
  7. Provide an avenue for parents to meet with other parents in the community

Meet the Board

Britte Stumm

Vice President

Cassidy Bergeson

Vice President

Jeremy & Natasha Felton


Lindsey Dowell


PTF President’s Welcome & Invite

Twin Peaks K8 is truly a special place. We have an amazing community of students, parents, teachers and staff. Contributing to the Twin Peaks PTF only enhances and strengthens this relationship. Thank you for helping to make every student’s potential a reality. 

Let’s have a great year! 

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